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Spring Forage Nitrogen Management

by Amy Shober, Sydney Riggi, and Jarrod Miller; University of Delaware Extension Early Spring Nitrogen Application Strategies Nutrient...

Grazing Math

by Brian Campbell, NRCS Grazing Specialist There are helpful calculations available to help farmers design a new pasture system or avoid...

Reducing Hay Storage and Feeding Losses

by Jessica A. Williamson, PH.D., Penn State Extension Forage Specialist On most livestock operations, the greatest operational cost is...

Winter Hay Feeding Strategies

by Amanda Grev, Agriculture & Food Systems, Western Maryland Research and Education Center When it comes to feeding hay during the...

Sulfur Deficiencies in Hay and Forages

by Jarrod Miller, Extension Specialist - Agronomy Nitrogen and sulfur deficiencies can both cause a pale yellow color across your hay and...

Summer Grazing Management

by Amanda Grev, Pasture Management Specialist As we move into the traditionally driest, hottest days of summer, we can expect stretches...

Oats for Fall Pasture or Hay

by Bruce Anderson, Nebraska Extension Forage Specialist Fall is just around the corner. Could you use some extra pasture or hay in late...

The Dirt on RoundUp

by Matt Morris, Agriculture Educator, Frederick County Recently, someone I know had a bag of wood chips for their grill and right on the...

President’s Column

by Jarrod Miller, President of Maryland-Delaware Forage Council Fall is around the corner, but several changes are already upon us. This...

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